Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Pre Wedding Shoot

The pre wedding shoot is a vital and often overlooked part of the wedding photography experience.  The reasons for this shoot are often misunderstood.  The reason normally given is so that the couple can use the photos for their wedding stationary, which of course they can, but this is not the real reason.

The real reason is for the couple and the photographer to get to know each other.

The wedding couple have an expectation that the photographer is going to be able to capture all the emotion and intimacy of the day and in order for the photographer to achieve this the photographer will not only need to be able to blend into the environment while the emotions are being shown but couple and their family will also need to feel totally at ease in the presence of the photographer.

When I arrive on the morning of the wedding, I don't want to hear the call that the 'photographer' is here, no I want to hear the call 'Stefan' is here.

I am normally met at the door, on the morning of the wedding, by the bride in a dressing gown and handing me a mug of tea and telling me to make myself at home.

I have pored drinks for the bridesmaids, laced up the wedding dress for the bride and always fully enjoyed the day and the company of all present.

The pre wedding photo shoot is the start of the process.  Here the wedding couple and the photographer get to know one another in a friendly and stress free environment.  I like to take the shoot at a location which is special to the couple, such as the spot they first met or where the proposal took place.  Here we spend at least one hour walking and talking, while we get time in front of the camera.

If you have a choice always have a pre wedding photo shoot and use this time to get to know your photographer, his way of working as well as his personality.  Get this shoot done well in advance of your wedding day, so if you find any incompatibility problems you both have the option of making a change.

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