Thursday, 5 April 2012

Fit for purpose!

As a photographer you would think fitness would not be much of an issue, well I can tell you that for me it is.  I like to get very involved in my shoots, and do everything at 100 miles an hour, which can bring on a bit of a sweat.

All my life I have been very active, as a sufferer of ADHD it is perhaps of no surprise, but as I edge closer and closer to a half century I find myself slowing down a little.

There was a time when I could run 5 miles, now I have to settle for a 5 mile jog.  But when I undertake a photo shoot I become so wrapped up in the shoot that I sometimes try to be every where and do everything.

I think this is important for the type of shoots I like to do.  I want the shoot to buzz, I want to get caught up in the emotion and drama of the shoot and the people in it.

There is nothing worse, in my mind, than seeing an over weight and unfit photographer puffing and blowing his way through a photo shoot, it makes us look un professional and demeans our efforts.

What would you think if your car mechanic was puffing and panting while performing some simple maintenance on your car? or was having great difficulty in getting up and down of the floor while changing your tyre?

We would not be overly impressed I think, and we would certainly not be considering them for any form of important maintenance we may want to have done to our cars.  So why would this be any different for a photographer?

So yes I do find my 5 mile jogs a bit of a bother these days, but you know what, I will still be out there jogging away for as long as I want people to continue thinking of me as a professional and a photographer who is up to any task.

1 comment:

  1. Good on ya mate! Not sure about the jogging bit but the walks in the Brecons with the dog keep me on my toes my my brides and grooms!

