Sunday, 12 August 2012

Ozzy the Boxer Dog Photo Shoot

While out with my wife and daughter the other week I noticed this gorgeous white boxer puppy with a young couple.  We asked if we could pet the dog and we all fell in love with him instantly. 

We learned that Ozzy, that was the name of the dog, was still a puppy and his owners doted on him.  On a whim I offered the young couple a free photo shoot of their dog, offering them a disc of the selected images from the shoot for free. 

Two weeks later Ozzy and his owners arrived at my home studio for the shoot, Ozzy was very excited and promptly thew up on my lounge floor.  No problem there as we are prepared for the little surprises our animal clients sometime leave us. 

The young couple with Ozzy were planning their wedding for next year and wanted to talk to me about that as well, so there was some delay for Ozzy while we chatted.  My cat, a ginger tom called Marmalade, squared up to Ozzy and made it quite plain who was the master of this home, which probably went some way to causing Ozzy to throw up like he did.

Once we entered my studio Ozzy just wanted to play and we had the devils own job trying to get him in the lighting zone.  Every time I laid out on the floor to get the shots he was all over me and my daughter, who was assisting me. 

It was so important to get him in the right place as he is white and I had to be very careful not to over expose.

Some 40 minutes later the shoot was over.  We had great fun doing it, they were not the best lite of composed shots, many were sent to the trash can, but the ones we kept were nice, what do you think.

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